May 10, 2015

Dear Jesus’ beautiful daughter,

I just wanted to tell you, that you are very very beautiful. The way you smile, the way you laugh at the silliest joke, the way you blush when you see your crush stared at you, even when you cried because you think that life is unfair, or because you just wished that you have someone else’s life. You don’t. Ever. To think that you’re not worth it. Because you are beautiful. Because Jesus loves you, because there is a guy that is really really crazy about your smile and he’s waiting for you in the isle and he’s ready to claim you to Jesus, that this life is not gonna be beautiful without you in there. 

Every pain you felt, every tears you’ve wasted, every thoughts that torture you every nights, or every hole you felt in your chest, it’s not worth it. You do not give them power to take your beautiful life away from you, because it’s priceless. How many aborted embryos that wished they can feel the sunlight, to be kissed by their mom because she is very very happy that they come to this world, to have their first crush, or to felt that beautiful first kiss. You got that chance. How lucky you are? See, you have an extraordinary life, sweet heart. You just gotta understand it. Do not let them tell you who you are, do it yourself. If God loves you, how come a human being can destroy you? They just don't worth your attention. Because you always can stand up, and tell them that they deal with the wrong person. 

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