July 26, 2016

How a graphic designer should be paid?

how many hours you spent?
not only working hours, but also the hours of meeting, interacting with clients, etc

the cost of everything

the transportation, the meal, the drink, the internet service, the gadget

what to tell the customer?

the value, what they’ll gonna get, how many revision they get

years, age, degree, experiences DOESN’T define your cost.
years, age, degree, experiences DOESN’T define your skills.
yet, RESULT & VALUE do.

their budget is not your issue

maybe you could charge $50 per hour, show good negotiation, show your value, show the right portfolio, get the right client, maybe you’ll get the project.
or maybe, you don’t get it because you charge $20 per hour, then they wouldn’t feel “confident“ on someone who doesn’t feel confident to ask for their work really WORTH.

understand your own value, be honest to your client about your value
be prepared not to justify your prices, but to prepare to back up what you’re asking for.

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