Things could be swell at the moment, but there seems to be several loopholes here and there where you two just don’t talk about and ignore. The future. Perhaps it’s due to the fact that both of you realise that it could lead to a painful heartbreak where your future plans don’t see eye-to-eye. It could be anything, really. He could have mentioned a five-year program where he has to study abroad during brunch but you chose to look past it and nod nonchalantly. He could be somebody who doesn’t wish to have children but conversely, you absolutely adore kids and would want your generation to pass on. He wants to marry somebody that will be a stay-at-home wife but you feel like you have your own dreams and aspirations to chase. The two of you have vastly different beliefs and are secretly just waiting for the other to change their beliefs to match yours. This is especially true for couples that believe in different religions and are inflexible with their state of mind. As difficult as it is to accept it, love is NOT everything in a relationship. It is the most amazing and the most important PART of a relationship because without love, there is no relationship. But if you have love but everything else has gone to utter shit, then there might as well be no relationship. If your lives are heading towards different directions and there is no way to fix up a harmonious future together - let him go.
Relationships are supposed to bring you up, not down. Life is already tough as it is, you do not need the weight of a displeasing, mean, and bitter man on your shoulders. Your significant other should be your biggest cheerleader (second to your mom, of course), always rooting for all your endeavours and goals. If he isn’t giving you the support that you need, badmouthing your opinions, or worse of all, laughing at your dreams, then chuck him into the farthest man bin you can find. This is one aspect of how a relationship could make you feel bad about yourself. Another would be the worst of its kind, he’s making you think that you’re not good enough. Either he’s constantly talking about how gorgeous hoe A or hoe B are and never giving you credit for all the work you did to look good for him, or that he’s always criticising every little thing about you. If he doesn’t make you feel like a better person, then how do you expect to live on feeling belittled every single day?
Gone are the days of lightning speed text replies, spontaneous romantic gestures, and late night car rides. Let’s be real, honeymoon romance does not last forever, but that does not mean that the sacrifices that you make for your love should end. If you feel like he no longer prioritises you nor the things that you care about… If he cancels on you one too many times and for silly reasons too… Then wave goodbye to that man. The effort to stay in touch - physically and emotionally - should perpetuate till death does you part. This effort should come from both sides; a healthy balance goes a long way. Love should persist even after you’ve reached the Comfortable Stage. Even though people say that butterflies eventually disappear, I like to think that the butterflies simply go to sleep. Once in a while, on a cute movie night in, or when he sends you a bouquet of flowers “just because”, the butterflies will awaken. However, if he doesn’t try to revive those butterflies anymore, this is when you should chuck the relationship down the drain.
p.s. A friend of mine give me this site, you can read it completely there. Only in my case those 3 points are the bottom line.
Never regret anything. Always thank God because it happens, for the joy, the thrill, the butterflies, the tears, and especially the lessons. You will always get a lesson there, and no matter how painful it is, believe me... He is PREPARING you the better one. There's no point of holding on to a relationship you know that wouldn't work. Stop defending your problems, instead you should listen to what your heart says. Stop wasting your time dear, you ARE WORTH IT. You are. You deserve better. :-)
p.s. A friend of mine give me this site, you can read it completely there. Only in my case those 3 points are the bottom line.
Never regret anything. Always thank God because it happens, for the joy, the thrill, the butterflies, the tears, and especially the lessons. You will always get a lesson there, and no matter how painful it is, believe me... He is PREPARING you the better one. There's no point of holding on to a relationship you know that wouldn't work. Stop defending your problems, instead you should listen to what your heart says. Stop wasting your time dear, you ARE WORTH IT. You are. You deserve better. :-)
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